$ sudo apt-get install apt-file
If you just installed apt-file, the system-wide cache might be empty. You need to run ‘apt-file update’ as root to update the cache. You can also run ‘apt-file update’ as normal user to use a cache in the user’s home directory.
Let us update the database cache using command:
$ sudo apt-file update
And, then search for the packages that contains a specific file, say alisp.h, with command:
$ apt-file find alisp.h
$ apt-file search alisp.h
Sample would be:
libasound2-dev: /usr/include/alsa/alisp.h
Well, libasound2-dev it is! You can install this package using command:
$ sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
If you already have the file, and just wanted to know which package it belongs to, you can use dpkg command as shown below.
$ dpkg -S $(which alisp.h)
$ dpkg -S `which alisp.h`
If you know the full path of the file, say for example /bin/ls, you can search for the packages it belongs to using the following command:
$ dpkg -S /bin/ls
coreutils: /bin/ls
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