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apt-get install -Komenda

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nano /etc/resolv.conf plik do edycji

wtorek, 12 maja 2020

Debian minimall install

debian minimal
apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy xserver-xorg-input-void xserver-xorg-core xinit x11-xserver-utils

Display drivers for common hardware include:

xserver-xorg-video-intel (intel)
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (nvidia)
xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (via)
xserver-xorg-video-radeon (amd)
xserver-xorg-video-vesa (generic display driver)

If you are unsure of your driver you can use the vesa driver for now until you learn more about xorg drivers. It will work with all VESA compliant displays and is also useful to fall back on in the case of a misconfigured driver.

root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-vesa

For graphics chips not mentioned above you can search the repository to find the correct display driver for your hardware.
root@devuan:~# apt-cache search xserver-xorg-video-.* | pager

Installing your input drivers
Since it is a dependency of xserver-xorg we cannot remove the evdev driver, fortunately evdev is a unified driver and is suitable for most input devices. This means you don't need to follow this step unless you have specific requirements.

If you have a mouse and keyboard setup you can install those drivers separately if you prefer this behaviour.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-input-kbd

For a synaptics touchpad you will often need to install the synaptics driver alongside your keyboard driver.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics

If you need other input drivers you can search the repository to find them.
root@devuan:~# apt-cache search xserver-xorg-input-.* | pager

Installing optional extras

I recommend installing the basic set of fonts for xorg.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-scalable

You will often want to include mesa opengl support when using the free software display drivers, particularly if you play opengl games.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri mesa-utils

Ascii may need the xserver-xorg-legacy package to manage permissions for xserver. Note that this is a setuid wrapper.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-legacy

sudo aptitude install fluxbox
, add this line to $HOME/.fluxbox/startup
conky &
be sure it to appear before this other line
exec /usr/bin/fluxbox
which needs to be the last one
sudo aptitude install wifi-radar
sudo aptitude install cpufreqd
Now start it:
sudo /etc/init.d/cpufreqd start
If it can not start (as in my case) you may need to load the right module, read here to know how to do it, according to your processor, but basically you need to choose between these lines for AMD Sempron/Athlon/MP ( K7 )

If you rely on Network Manager to manage your networking, you’ll need to take an extra step to make it run automatically at startup. Open ~/.fluxbox/startup and add nm-applet & before the exec fluxbox line, like this:

# Applications you want to run with fluxbox.
# unclutter -idle 2 & <-- ukrywa kursor myszy
# wmnd & <--pokazuje stan i użycie interfejsów sieci
# wmsmixer -w &
# idesk &  <-- ikony pulpitu
#nm-applet & <-- network menager
#wicd-client & <--wifi
#volumeicon-alsa <--ikona głośności w trayu
#wifi-radar <-- gui lista wifi
sudo modprobe powernow-k7
for AMD Duron/Sempron/Athlon/Opteron 64 ( K8 )
sudo modprobe powernow-k8
for Intel Core Duo and Intel Pentium M
sudo modprobe speedstep-centrino
for Others (Unknown) - This one worked for me with a Pentium IV -
sudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq
sudo apt install sddm
sudo aptitude install firefox thunderbird vim gvim

menadzery plików

odtwarzanie filmów
 muzyka audacious
 apt install libreoffice-writer  libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress libreoffice-style-tango libreoffice-l10n-pl thunderbird thunderbird-l10n-pl firefox firefox-l10n-pl xpdf simpleburn xfe smplayer


Minimal xorg install
This document describes how to perform a minimal xorg installation and some optional good defaults.

Install the core xorg packages
First log in at a console as root using the password you setup during install.
We will now install the minimal set of packages needed for xorg.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy xserver-xorg-input-void xserver-xorg-core xinit x11-xserver-utils
It should be noted that the void input driver is installed as well as the dummy video driver. These packages do not function as drivers but allow xorg to be installed without drivers. This is done to avoid installing all drivers including the ones you don't need. Instead we will install the individual drivers that you do need afterwards.

Install your graphics driver
You should now install the display driver for your hardware.
Display drivers for common hardware include:

xserver-xorg-video-intel (intel)
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (nvidia)
xserver-xorg-video-openchrome (via)
xserver-xorg-video-radeon (amd)
xserver-xorg-video-vesa (generic display driver)

For example if you have an amd graphics chip you should install the radeon driver.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon
If you are unsure of your driver you can use the vesa driver for now until you learn more about xorg drivers. It will work with all VESA compliant displays and is also useful to fall back on in the case of a misconfigured driver.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-vesa
For graphics chips not mentioned above you can search the repository to find the correct display driver for your hardware.
root@devuan:~# apt-cache search xserver-xorg-video-.* | pager

Installing your input drivers
Since it is a dependency of xserver-xorg we cannot remove the evdev driver, fortunately evdev is a unified driver and is suitable for most input devices. This means you don't need to follow this step unless you have specific requirements.
If you have a mouse and keyboard setup you can install those drivers separately if you prefer this behaviour.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-input-kbd
For a synaptics touchpad you will often need to install the synaptics driver alongside your keyboard driver.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
If you need other input drivers you can search the repository to find them.
root@devuan:~# apt-cache search xserver-xorg-input-.* | pager

Installing optional extras
I recommend installing the basic set of fonts for xorg.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-scalable
You will often want to include mesa opengl support when using the free software display drivers, particularly if you play opengl games.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri mesa-utils
Ascii may need the xserver-xorg-legacy package to manage permissions for xserver. Note that this is a setuid wrapper.
root@devuan:~# apt-get install xserver-xorg-legacy

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